Dream Dominion

Dream Meditation by Roger Echo-Hawk

1973RogerMagic (2)

She wished her ship to the shore
floating through shining leaves
her evening surrounded everyone
everyone in her moonlit circle
wading across her languid pool
all those forever gathering stars
the wizard stood on a blue path
casting magic, his azure flames
sapphire shadows, and his folk
gathered to share a kindly spell
laughter woven from whispers
and I walked with the wizard
to find our friend, her starlit ship
we passed through his moonlight
his folk murmuring in the dark
they will build their blue fires
yes they will care for everyone
everyone shining in that circle

1973Spring#4 (2)

In September 2009 I dreamed I visited a long ago friend, Dennis Smith, who dwelt with his friends in a mysterious wood. And in fact, my girlfriend Jerri Hof and I last saw Dennis in the summer of 1974 in a forest near Lohman, Missouri, where he was building a cabin. The photos were taken by Mark Beelek in the late spring of 1973, at Holts Summit, Missouri.